desktop yoga need of today's generation



– Raise your one arm, keeping the fist clenched and thumb at eye level. – Focus on tip of the thumb without blinking. – Now, keeping the eyes focused on the to of the thumb and move the arm to one side as shown. – Now move to the other side. – Repeat three to five times.


– Slowly and gently lower the head forward and slowly rotate the neck and head clockwise. – Reverse and rotate the neck and head anti-clockwise – Repeat the same movement slowly five times in each direction.


– Take one arm behind the head. – With the other hand, gently pull the elbow and stretch the shoulder as shown. – Hold the position for 10-25 seconds, breathing normally.’ – Release. – Repeat the same action five times with the other arm.


– Hold the chair with one hand. – Stretch the other arm up and bend sideways as shown. – Hold the posture for 10-25 seconds, breathing normally. – Release and come back to the start position. – Repeat the exercise on the other side three times.


– Interlock the hands behind the head. – Supporting the neck and head , slowly push the elbows behind. – Hold the posture for 10-25 seconds. – Release. – Repeat the movement five times.

– Holding the arms of the chair, raise both your legs. – Bend the toes inwards. – Hold the posture for 10-25 seconds. – Release. – Now keeping the legs in the same position, stretch the toes and feet outwards. – Repeat the same movement five times.

– Keep one leg stretched out. Bend the other leg and place the foot on the inner thigh. – Inhale as you slowly stretch both arms up. – Exhale as you bend forward . Drop the head down towards the knee and both hands towards the foot. – Hold the posture for 10-25 seconds, breathing normally. – Release and inhale as you slowly raise your arms and come up. – Now reverse the position of the leg and repeat the movement. – Repeat the exercise three times